xxnn Xenophobia Meaning in Hindi Dictionary


Xenophobia is a term that is commonly used to describe an irrational fear or dislike of foreigners or strangers. In the Hindi language, xenophobia is known as " " (videshi dveSh). It is important to understand the meaning and implications of this term in order to address and combat xenophobic attitudes and behaviors.

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What is Xenophobia?

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Xenophobia refers to the fear or hatred of people from other countries or cultures. It often manifests as discrimination, prejudice, or violence against individuals who are perceived as foreign or different. Xenophobic attitudes can be rooted in various factors, including cultural differences, economic competition, political ideologies, historical conflicts, and social stereotypes.

Understanding Xenophobia in Hindi

In Hindi, xenophobia can be translated into multiple terms such as " " (videshi bhiti), " " (ajnyatajanabhiti), " " (videshi janabhiti), " " (ajnyatavyaktibhiti), and " " (videshibhiti). These terms reflect the various aspects and nuances of xenophobic feelings and behaviors.

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The Impact of Xenophobia

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Xenophobia can have serious consequences for individuals and communities. It can lead to social exclusion, discrimination in employment and housing opportunities, hate crimes, violence, and even genocide. It creates a hostile environment that hinders social cohesion, cultural exchange, and economic development. It is essential to address and challenge xenophobia in order to promote inclusivity, diversity, and mutual understanding.

Combating Xenophobia

Combating xenophobia requires collective effort from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments. Here are some steps that can be taken to address and counteract xenophobic attitudes:

  1. Education and Awareness: Promote education about different cultures, traditions, and perspectives to foster understanding and empathy.

  2. Legislation: Enact laws that protect individuals from discrimination based on their nationality or ethnicity.

  3. Social Integration: Encourage social integration through community events, intercultural exchanges, and dialogue.

  4. Media Representation: Advocate for accurate and positive representation of diverse communities in the media to challenge stereotypes.

  5. Support Services: Provide support services for immigrants and refugees, including language classes, employment assistance, and counseling.

  6. Interfaith Dialogue: Foster dialogue between different religious groups to promote tolerance and respect.

  7. Global Cooperation: Collaborate with international organizations to address xenophobia at a global level.

By taking these measures, we can create a more inclusive society that celebrates diversity and rejects xenophobia in all its forms.


Xenophobia is a significant issue that affects individuals and societies around the world. Understanding its meaning in Hindi allows us to recognize the presence of this phenomenon within our own communities. By promoting education, legislation, social integration, media representation, support services, interfaith dialogue, and global cooperation, we can work towards combating xenophobia and building a more inclusive future for all. Let us strive towards embracing diversity and fostering a culture of acceptance and respect.

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